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A cluster of old pines midway up the rock face on a ledge to the south of camp.Their tangled roots jut out and form an uneven platform which the leader stands on. All clan meetings and the start of ceremonies are held here.
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Near the top of the rock face there is a thin opening that requires cats to crouch to be able to enter, making it look as if they are bowing. Upon entering, cats are plunged into near complete darkness with a small speck of daylight shining. Following the tunnel down, the light gets brighter before opening up into a cave, grass and several flowers growing where the light touches. Directly in front is a pool of crystal clear water with a waterfall flowing down into it. This section is the leader's den and is seen as the place closest to their ancestors apart from Sacred Pool.
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On the eastern side of the camp is an opening between the trees and the rock face. It leads downwards, several smooth and flat rocks acting as a staircase. It opens up into a hollowed out cave with a large pool of water in the center, light shining through from several openings above that are situated just outside of the camp. The sacred stream starts from the pool, a small waterfall providing fresh water from deep inside the rocks. The stream flows further down a narrow pathway where their main den is in a grassy area to the left of the stream, several vines snaking down the rocky walls.
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The warrior's den is located underneath the platform of tangled pines. The roots supporting the platform create an entrance to a small cave within the rock face. The entrance is deceptively small as the cave gets considerably bigger once inside. The sound of rushing water can be heard from inside and is soothing to the warrior's that reside within.
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The apprentice's den is found on the western side of camp. A particularly large tree stands tall with the bottom of its trunk hollowed out. An arch similar to the camp entrance but smaller is formed into the wood and acts as the opening to the den. Inside is warm and cosy, the ground made up of grass and moss.
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The nursery is located on the most eastern side of the rock face, hidden away in a small cave with a hole in the top of it that lets light shine through. It is grassy inside and the outside is surrounded in heather bushes, masking the scent of the milk and kits from predators.
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The elder's den is directly west and is found among a cluster of trees known as the Twisted Trees. Leaves provide a canopy to shelter them from the ran and they have a good view of the main camp but can also retreat back further if they wish to have some peace and quiet.
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Deputy, Medicine Cat, and Medicine Cat Apprentice Sign Ups!
Last post was by Fox on Oct 26, 2017 9:09:52 GMT

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Rising with the Sun (Open)
Last post was by Fox on Sept 30, 2017 21:25:04 GMT

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